Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy IMTT
Gautschi R. Manual Trigger Point Therapy.
Recognizing, Understanding and Treating Myofascial Pain and
712 pp. / 1178 illus. / Forewords by Prof. S. Mense and Dr. J.
English ed.,
Thieme 2019
ISBN: 978-3-13-220291-7
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Gautschi R. Manual Trigger Point Therapy.
Recognizing, Understanding and Treating Myofascial Pain and
Korean ed. 2022
ISBN: 978-89-7224-523-0 |
Gautschi R. Manual Trigger Point Therapy.
Recognizing, Understanding and Treating Myofascial Pain and
Chinese ed. 2022
ISBN: 978-7-5723-1600-5
Gautschi R. Manual Trigger Point Therapy.
Recognizing, Understanding and Treating Myofascial Pain and
German ed.
1. ed 2010
2. ed 2013
3. ed. 2016
4. ed. 2023 ISBN:
978-3-13-245210-7 |
Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction
Much of the acute and chronic pain in the
musculoskeletal system originates in the muscles, where it is caused
by myofascial trigger points (mTrPs) and associated fascia disorders (Travell
and Simons 1999; Dejung 2009) |
MTrPs develop from overload or traumatic overstretching of
themuscles, often leading to the formation of oxygen-poor zones in the muscle (hypoxia).
Hypoxia results in a lack of adenosine triphosphate, and because of this
themyosin and actin filaments in these areas are unable to separate from each
other (rigor complexes), causing local reactive soft-tissue changes (contractions,
adhesions). These small sites of affected muscle tissue can be palpated as mTrPs.
Provocation by pressure triggers pain, which often irradiates to other regions
of the body (referred pain).
MTrPs can cause not only pain but also paresthesias, muscle weakness without
primary atrophy, restricted range of motion, proprioceptive disturbances with
impairment of coordination, and vegetative reactions. |
“Myofascial syndrome” is a term used to describe the sum of all
symptoms caused by active mTrPs and associated fascia disorders |
From experience, targeted trigger point therapy can usually
eliminate these problems, even in the case of long-standing symptoms. |
Myofascial Pain
a new
in the field of pain medicine |
Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy
Manual trigger point therapy is a
systematic,manualtherapeutic interventional strategy with the goal of
deactivating the potential of the mTrPs to cause disturbances,
treating the accompanying connective tissue changes and preventing
The form of trigger point therapy IMTT (Interest Group for Myofascial
Trigger Point Therapy) involves a systematic six-step
program (Swiss approach). This program utilizes
four manual therapy techniques (techniques I–IV) to selectively
deactivate the trigger points, and, especially in chronic pain
patients, to stretch the reactively modified and shortened connective
tissue. Home exercises for stretching/relaxing (technique V) break up
the monotony ofworking postures and encourage the muscles to
regenerate. Functional training (technique VI)
supports the healing process through appropriate weight-bearing
exercises and movements, which make the muscles more resilient while
better ergonomics reduce failure load.
In addition to local therapy of the mTrPs and the fascia disturbances,
one must also identify the perpetuating factors and include them in
the therapy in order to attain sustainable success in the treatment of
chronic myofascial pain.
Manual trigger point therapy in the form described here is a
differentiated method and is performed by specially trained
physical therapists and physicians.
Manual trigger point therapy combines mechanical, reflex, biochemical,
energetic, functional, cognitive–emotional, and behaviorally effective
phenomena (Gautschi 2008). Manual trigger point therapy thus
influences not only the peripheral nociceptive pain but also, at the
same time, intervenes in the body’s pain processing and output
The effectiveness of the treatment is complemented
by the use of acupuncture needles to treat the trigger points ("dry
needling"). |
Dry Needling
"Dry Needling" is the treatment of
myofascial trigger points using acupunctur needles. |
Trigger points and fascia disorders
a (too) often unrecognized cause of
acute and chronic pain |